Final Blog… Wiyot

I have definitely enjoyed researching the Wiyot Tribe, and being able to post all of the intriguing information I have been able to find on this amazing group of people.

The Wiyot people are and have always been made up of simple, good, welcoming people, who have lived in the Humboldt Bay region for thousands of years. However the discovery of gold in 1849 brought white  settlers to Humboldt Bay, and this resulted in the destruction of Wiyot people and culture. The ensuing, “Indian troubles” concluded in a series of massacres February 26, 1860, the most monstrous at Tuluwat on Indian Island in Humboldt Bay. Although the Wiyot people have endured horrific massacres, being thrown out of their homeland, and destruction of their native culture, they are nevertheless 600 members strong, and 600 members strong and growing, and are actively recovering the old ways, including language, ceremony, and life-ways.

After constant research of the Wiyot Tribe throughout the quarter, I have learned more than just their basic lifestyles, I was able to take away that the native people as a whole are incredibly strong willed people with an admirable sense of cultural.


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