Wiyot Tribe- Youth Program

The Wiyot Tribe has a youth program called Tsek Houdaqh, which means “Where the Children Are”. They Wiyot Tribes youth program is very extensive, and in general the Wiyot people anticipate that   through frequent participation in the programming that intentionally incorporates  key elements, young people will become productive, caring, and responsible citizens. One of the key elements the youth program advocates is culture. Some of the activities the club provides is, Wiyot Language, traditional arts, regalia making, and other modern and traditional cultural practices that are  guided by the community elders and leaders. The Wiyot tribes youth program also hopes to improve academic achievement by offering  individualized tutoring, and homework Power Hour which seeks to improve student math skills, reading skills and reading appreciation. The club also promotes a healthy lifestyle by offering a healthy afterschool snack, daily physical activities,  as well as a healthy breakfast and lunch during the summer. This is directly taken from the Wiyot Tribe’s website, and explains what the youth program offers, “The Wiyot Youth Center, Tsek Houdaqh”Where the Children Are” is a positive place to inspire and enable young people to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens by celebrating their culture and community, enjoying healthy fun with their peers, and to learn new skills and self-confidence under the guidance of responsible adults.”.



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