Wiyot Tribe- Treaties

One treaty the Wiyot tribe signed, was brought forth due to the horrific California Indian wars. With the discovery of gold in California around 1848, came an instant rush of white immigrants. Within 10 years the white population of California grew from a couple of thousand in 1848, to several hundred thousand by 1858. By […]

Wiyot Tribe- Youth Program

The Wiyot Tribe has a youth program called Tsek Houdaqh, which means “Where the Children Are”. They Wiyot Tribes youth program is very extensive, and in general the Wiyot people anticipate that   through frequent participation in the programming that intentionally incorporates  key elements, young people will become productive, caring, and responsible citizens. One of the […]

Legal Struggles- Wiyot People

The Wiyot people have had to withstand and undergo legal struggles in the past. Around the Early 1900’s a church group purchased 20 acres in the Eel River estuary, the church group purchased this land for homeless Wiyot people. In 1908 their land was transferred into a trust status by the Federal Government, the land at […]